Laura Swartz, the creator of the Sleep Buddy is not only a very creative mom, but she is also a sleep consultant! You can find her at Healthy Happy Sleep, and she would love to help you and your child through your sleepless nights. Let me tell you though, the SleepBuddy is a great place to start!!
A few months back my normally happy, fantastic sleeping 3 year old decided that she was no longer going to take a nap, and that her day would start promptly at 4am. WEEEEEELLLLL....NOT IN MY HOUSE!!!! I tried bribery ( take a nap and we will go get an ice cream), I tried trickery (let's take a "rest"), and then I found the SleepBuddy. It came in a super cute gift wrapped box that my toddler was very excited to rip open!
Perfectly wrapped, and that is how it came!!!
A little letter from the owner welcoming us to the SleepBuddy family!
Princess tearing into her SleepBuddy!!
Upon opening the box you find the contents, everything that you will need to run the system including a story book to introduce the kiddos to the sleep trainer, a reward chart and a guide to set up and use of the trainer.
The story that comes with the SleepBuddy explains what it is in a way that kids understand and introduces them to this new gadget that will be in their room! My daughter loves to look and see if her special night light is on or off and is very proud to announce that she stays in bed until the light was off. If by chance she is up before it is off, she tells me why and it is usually to use the potty, ahh the life of a three year old!
This is the sleep buddy in the off or white setting.
This is the sleep buddy on, glowing in a lovely and light shade of blue. It allows just enough light to be the perfect night light but not so much light that it keeps her awake.
Overall, we love this product. Once my daughter understood the purpose of it and the fact that we could put stickers on the chart when she stays in her bed until the light turns off, made her happy, sticker charts seem to work as great motivators in our home. Once she gets an entire row on the chart full she will be allowed to pick a prize, usually an option for dessert or a trip for ice cream. I hope that other families who struggle with toddlers who won't sleep will try out the SleepBuddy and find that it is a fantastic tool to add in sleep training!
**A special thank you to the makers of the SleepBuddy for sending me this item to review. I was in no way compensated for this post and I only recommend items that I feel have made a difference in our home/lifestyle and would be of use to my readers.**
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